Google carbon neutral
Google carbon neutral

Wind, solar and other renewable sources accounted for 61% of Google’s global hourly electricity usage last year. Wildfires burning a record area in the western United States this month have increased public awareness of climate change, Pichai said, and Google wants to bring further attention through its new goal as well as product features. “We’re one small player in this but we can set an example.” “The problem is so immense, many of us need to lead the way and show solutions,” Pichai said. The “stretch goal,” as CEO Sundar Pichai described it, will force Google to move beyond the tech industry norm of offseting carbon emissions from electricity use and require technological and political breakthroughs to achieve. In the future, we will continue to drive for improvements in energy efficiency and to find affordable sources of renewable energy.FILE PHOTO: The Google logo is spelled out in heliostats (mirrors that track the sun and reflect the sunlight onto a central receiving point) during a tour of the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in the Mojave Desert near the California-Nevada border February 13, 2014.

google carbon neutral

Over the last five years, we have eliminated over half the emissions we would have produced in the absence of these critical measures. Google will continue to reduce our emissions directly by building and designing some of the world's most efficient data centers as well as using on-site renewable energy to power our facilities. The best way to reduce our corporate footprint is to not use electricity in the first place. We've seen the success of transportation and IT efficiency programs like RechargeIT and the Climate Savers Computing Initiative, and the potential of renewable power and energy information initiatives such as RE google carbon neutral

Through this process, we've neutralized all of Google's 2007 emissions, as well as part of our 2008 emissions. To honor this commitment, we calculated our global carbon footprint, purchased high-quality carbon offsets, and worked with a third party to certify our calculations and validate our offset portfolio. In June 2007 Google made a voluntary commitment to become carbon neutral.

Google carbon neutral