This means paying any bills you have in the business from a business account and paying for all personal expenses from a personal account. No matter the size of your company, you should keep all of your business finances separate from your personal finances. The great thing about credit scores is that they can be improved over time! We have a great article on the Best Business Credit Cards To Build Credit.Ī rejected credit application can have a negative effect on your credit score, so act with responsibility and make careful decisions when deciding to apply. If you have good, great, or excellent credit, then go for one of the cards at the top of this article! If your credit isn’t quite there yet, check out our article: What Business Credit Card Can I Get With My Credit Score?

Once you have your score you can make a decision on which card to apply for.
#Ice cream business card how to#
If you don’t know your credit score, check out our article: How To Find Your Credit Score. Since your personal credit will be measured when you apply for a business credit card, it’s wise to have a good idea of what your credit score is. If you have a new or existing business that has never had a credit card or loan before, it’s likely that your business has no credit history. Unless your business has a positive credit history of its own, your eligibility will be based on your personal credit rating.